Driven by Passion

Our story came about when two people, both insatiably curious and driven, decided to work together to reach an ambitious goal: open a gelato ”laboratory” that would produce the best tasting, healthiest possible, natural artisan Italian gelato.

John is American, but grew-up and was educated overseas. He is a former senior executive with extensive international business experience and also worked for the federal government for many years in demanding overseas assignments. John will focus on general and production management.

Marianna is Italian. She is a psychologist specialized in marketing and communications with Masters degrees in Interior Design and Green Marketing. Marianna will focus on branding, customer experience and marketing management.

Both John and Marianna trained in Italy, completing a demanding course of instruction at the Universita Dei Sapori in Perugia, Italy and hold European Union certification as Italian Gelato Artisans.

John Grommers

(571) 328-1747


(571) 523-8019

Universita Dei Sapori

The Italian School of Gelato born in 2006 from the synergy between the Università dei Sapori – national centre for education and culture of Food, and the Masters of Italian Gelato, an association that includes some of the most important and accredited professionals in the gelato sector – craftsmanship of our country .

A new reality and at the same time rich in experience, skills and know-how, which aims to investigate thoroughly and certify the original Italian gelato, as well as offering the opportunity to learn about different elements of the diverse world of gelato: from production to business management, from marketing to communication.

The Italian School of Gelato has the objective to train new gelato makers allowing them to reach their own autonomy both as professionals and as businessman.

Moreover Italian School of Gelato is the only educational institution in Italy able to qualify their students, after passing an examination at the end course, with a certificate of competency as “Gelatiere craft” recognized under law 845 / 78, valid in Italy and in foreign countries.

Born in Italy

Our origins – and inspiration – are Italian.
A passion for flavor, for expression, for authenticity.
That is Fiaba™ Gelato .


Fiaba™ Gelato To Launch First Production Facility


Certification at Universita Dei Sapori